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wahoo!! so irritating! we lost by 1 mark!!!!
Today woke up around 10am+, not feeling well,
bcoz Asthma juz attacked me yesterday, so felt so strength,
Played com till 3pm+, thn went down 2 meet ahjun,mf,pf,jl,ahtao..
chat chat then we clean bball court and make it dry.
around 5pm+ xiangyuan they all came down liao.
hahas bugger looks fatter than b4. awhile ltr, Jhon,panpan....
oso came down liao. so the match is goin 2 start.
After warm up, the match started. and kr,jun,jl,pf,gx
(so sad, i was a sub onli.) coz VS xy,bugger,alfa,haji,tao.
ahjun and me both were sick. so when the match reached 20mins+
we could not take it already. even our face de colour oso changed^^
we did quiet well and the result is draw after 40mins,
therefor Jhon decided 2 have 10mins over time match.
aizZZ.. sian in the end we lose 1 mark.
we were still leading juz 10sec b4 match end. but.......
Anyway win or lose is not important. at least we gained EXP.
hahas gtg, good nitex.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


YOYO!! I'm here 2 post again^^
Sunday, we were going 2 ply bball,
but very unluckily, it was rainin,
& we tried 2 use newspaper 2 dry up the floor,
but we failed. hahas then we sat at BLK531 2 ply cards
and chat chat:) yesterday:
went 2 sch, it juz as usual as b4,
i slept dunno how many periods,
hahas then after sch went 2 BLK531 met frens.
hahas then ply bball till NIGHT^^
today, almost same as yesterday.
lol hahas nothing happened.
ai zZZ stop here, so sleepily hahaaz. BB!

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hiiihiii tO all whO visited dis blOgg,
thanks n visit often tO tagged wOrhx!!
hahahahaaaas guess whO here TJ???
nOe nOe hahahaaaaas jus a diisiiaO pOst by his fren......
im almOst dOne fOr ur blOg still gOrtta sOme little details
waitin fOr euu tO put barhx hahahahahaaaaas!!!!
can barhx settle urself lOrhx.....
oOooops i 4gOt euu dunnO hOwda use hahahahahaaaas!!
i'll explain tO euu next time barhx!!!
takecare barhx try figurin Out...
bt careful ltr all gOne wOrhx hahahahaaas!!

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Yahoo. post again.
two days never came 2 school liao. stayed at home.
sleep sleep till 0100pm+, then andy called me 2 go down,
if not i think i would still
andy and jun at blk531.
we were using laptop 2 watch movie 2gether.
abt 0500pm+,
ahtao came bak, & told us gt trainin 2day,
so i went home 2 take
bball. trainin started around 0530pm.
trainin till 0900pm & dismissed, but some of us stay
at basketball court chat chat. about 0100am+ i went home.
b4 i went home, we saw a beautiful bird.
same as yesterday, never went 2 sch.
sleep at home till 0200pm. then nothing could do,
so went 2 higher Chinese lesson
wif xiaweiyi... hahas.
lesson was funny got talk a lot of things.
but 红楼梦 i hate u SO much!! went home at 0545pm.

continues 2 slpZzz....
Okey. stoppin writin here and good nitex!!

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Post time!! hahas -.-
woke at 7 o'clock, damn late lor, cfm cannt reach sch on tym,
so i decided 2 pon sch again, hahas at early morning,
i helped my mother 2 clean house, very tired ler..
hahas then play computer at home alone,
around 0230pm:
watching basketball match. badly China lost liao,
bt dis match did nt effect them go in 1st 8. hahas.
after watchin bball match,
i slept awhile till jun call me 2 go down.
so went 2 BLK531 around 6'clock.
we discuess the match in 18/08/08. we didn't want 2 lose.
hahas went hm arnd 2010pm studyin chemetry while tokin wif a pig..
hahas arnd 21oopm usin computer>.<
woke up at 0200pm+,
felt damn tired, my whole body felt so painful.
i cant laugh, cant run, even cant raise my arm till 90 degree.
saddd...Zzz only can stay at home rest.
but still got went down 2 chat wif my frens lah,
hahas all of them almost same as me.
Stopping here, got to go sleep liao, tml still have sch,
hahas do not want 2 pon again^^

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Life is boring. now it is already 3am+,
still don wanna slp. so juz leave a short post.
woke up at 2pm, thn went down 2 bball for training.
unluckily, it was rainin at 3pm,
so john decided 2 have physical training under Blk 532,
Wah, it was damn CAKE!!!
everyone was going 2 die when finished one set of training
(20 spider push up, 20 stretches, 20 high jump excises)
in addition we must do 4 set of it, we trained like a dog,
but in the end none of us did it. hahas after physical training,
we used newspaper 2 dry up the basketball court,
and do some base excise. during running 8 zi passing.
zhihui and mouse sms 2 disturb me. aiz.. sianZZ.
at night play matches tired my arms and legs no feeling-_-''
hahas stopping here, gtg have a good nite.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


YOHOOO.... post post post here^^
sleeping day 4 me. first 2 period is physics test,
use 10
mins 2 write onli.. rest time all slp,
hope i
cn pass bah.
Mdm Kong, Mr.chain, Mr. pan and Mr.pang all nvr came 2 sch,
so there were 7 free period.
hahas i slept till siao.
today's MT relief teacher is my basketball
we ply
bball together every Friday, hahas whd a small world.
went hm at 1355pm.
nvr went 2 higher Chinese lesson again,
bcoz felt very sleepily. ply com awhile,
then sleep till 2200pm. must say
sry 2 my brothers today,
nvr went down... hahas.
got geography test, 15 marks
onli, but very difficult,
i think i will fail
liao. and after sch went 4 detention again,
SianZzz, stay in detention till 5pm,
... some more still have 2 write reflation,
scolded by Mr.teo and miss poon,
lucky they are not couple, if not i will die
after detention i went 2
Blk531 2 met jun,pf,tao,andy,kr......
ply basketball till lights off.
hahas. and my nose ganna hurt,
okay, time is 4 sleep now, good night.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


HHHELLO!!!!! It's time 2 post again. Life is remain as the same as usual:
NO sch, stayed at my sweet hm whole day.
because must wait 4 a PIG 2 call me out, in the end that PIG told me she 4got.Zzz wordless... but still got met andy they all lah, chat at blk531 and relax relax. Never ply basketball because all of us felt very tired. hahas
woke up at 7am, so i was late 4 sch. got maths,
PE (nvr ply any game,
becuz mos of us nvr change 2 PE shirt),
thn physics, and ther is a monkey walk passed our classroom.
so UNBELIEVABLE. Just after recess, felt sleepily,
junjie shouted" 看!外面有monkey!"
and he is the 1st
people who ran out of classroom,
follow by
yueyin, zhije, me.....hahas so fake,
monkey appear in sch, but it is real.
After physics are
English and SS,
lucky Mr.pan and pang
didn come 2 sch, so play in class till 1340.
hahas. went home, rest awhile, went out 4 higher MT lesson,
weiyi,ww,anna,js in the bus without planing=D,
lesson was very
sian.Zzz after high MT lesson, went 2 blk531 met andy,jun,pf,mf.kr..... ply cards, chat chat,
ply basketball awhile then went hm
tml got geography test, so must study today...
Okeyyy, end here, still need 2 study, BYE bye@n@

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Hello everyone, now 2 near 2 am still don wanna slp,
nothing cn do so post again lor.
This friday is national day celebration, so no lesson,
and releace from sch at 1030. very early,
thn decided 2 watch movie together,
hahas met mf,jun,gj,liang,kr at MRT station,
took train 2 jurong east and met pf. meantime we very sui...
met lots of ppl which we don wanna 2 see,
hahas we watched money not enough 2,
quite touchin i was goin 2 cry, i spend lots of money tat day,
so beacome 穷光蛋 hahas oh must say sty 2 zhihui here.
nvr go kbox wif ur. hahas at night come back 2 blk531
thr 2 ply bball and dream tml we will win 4D.
hahas Er...m mf should be very happy bah,
hahs anyway hope ur 2 cn stay 4 long time>.<
Today woke up at 2pm. thn faster go down bball court
coz mf told me met at 1pm and start training at 0130pm.
i tot i was late in the end when i reached thr
thn traning havn started yet...
heng arh ahtao still say im very gd, 1st don nid ppl call hahs.
today's trainin is very tired and unhappy lor,
happened lots of things 一言难尽, so donno wanna say liao,
hahas finished trainin still got ply bball abt til 8pm
and sit ia blk531 ply cards , ltr went 2 blk523 thr chat chat,
tok lot of things hahas andy, jun,mf,pf thx alot 4 tellin me myslf.
thn went home around oo30, hahas vert tired.
bt still donwan slp thn use com. chat wif lx,
we have many opinions are same.. hahs
Ok, gtg bye tml still goin out, so muz rest early.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Hi, so soon i post again.>.<
At first tml is NATIONAL DAY celebration!
no lesson, bt still muz go 2 sch till 11am. hahas!!
thn muz THANK zhihui 4 helpin me 2 change blogskin.
it very nice. hahas!!
help ahliang de things outside of sch. they got SO MANY PPL.
i SO SCARE, hahas bt really donno the reason ahliang
fright khongzhi, ai.. bt anyway is going 2 over liao.
Today i pon sch again, hahas coz my mode was not good.
Smore pon higher MT oso. aiya,
SIANZzz... met pf,jun,mf,andy they all at 3pm.
when we ply bball till very shuang thn raining..
thn we chat at blk531 till 730pm, hahas went hm around 8pm.
hahas stoppin writin here BYE^^

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


yoyo! post again, coz some1 say me post very slow.hahas recently i quiet busy lol.
last saturday:
its our training day, tat day got lots of ppl comin 4 trainin, somemore got a new player join us. clement... durin tat day, john take over from ahtao, we got train lots of things, the trainin was insteretin, but i was a little bit xxxx. hahas sry 4 my teamates.at night most of us decides 2 join bulit combak, and makin a set of warm up shirt. hahas
went down 2 play bball after ahzun call me, psps 4 latin come. after tat we ply 5 on 5, ply till very gloomy. we ply till very serious, the games was nice, however we lost both of 2 games, even though we did our best. and is score both are 21:15. hahas at night 2115 appear at 4D. hahas i would buy if i noe it earlier lor... hahas
havin lesson whole day,after sch met my fren, nvr ply bball, coz all of us are lyk very tired lor, smore guoxiong sick, he said he will not ply ball dis week, hahas.
Er...m nothin much more i want 2 write liao, hahas oh btw thx 4 zhihui, im not in hurry, so u cn do it slowly. venessa oso, study is more important lor. take care all of u. hahaz.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3