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hi. yohoo back here 2 post 4 today.
xixi^^, its juz a short post. hahas
woke up at 0735am by my fone alarm clock,
sianZz wearin wrong sch shirt today, hahas
brin my jacket as pillow 2 slp, hahas its comfortable%%
durin recess.
damn funny lor. went 2 the gym and very lucky got a bball thr.
thn i ply wif jj,jy,zy. but after awhile they go ply scorer. hahas and left me alone.
nvm juz ply myself hahas
thn after recess not felt so happy, coz they kept sth bad abt......
hahas nvm, coz i don care##
duing D&T lesson juz ply and chat lah. hahas
after sch went hm alone, accidentally met zy,
thn we decided 2 eat lunch 2gether. hahas
went hm, watch hot shot part 10, and slp till 0745pm. hahas
thn met lixia and dear awhile. hahas coz nid 2 pass sth 2 lixia. hahas
THANK YOU lixia 4 helpin mi AGAIN. hahaz dis time no sun hor.
goin 2 slp AGAIN oso. bye take cares every1$$


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Hi.. im back here again&&
wah 2 days nvr post again. hahas
woke up by a call from my stuip Nv'er at 12pm+,
suddenly asked me out 2 help her..
Zzz met her, mouse and my future Nv'xu around 2pm+.
eat KFC, thn went 2 jp library, but unfortunately, it was full of ppl
thn we move 2 a blk 2 study. hahas
hahaz they so funny lol. disiao my Nv'xu still so shuang.hahas
went back around 6pm+
plyed bball awhile and went hm at 9pm+
hahas plyed com and sms my dear. hahas

woke up by kokhao at 0750am. wah damn slply lor.
asked him go out 1t 093o, in the end he 750 called me liao.
went down ate breakfast
after eatin finished, ahtao came 2 find us
and plyed bball till 12pm+
went home bath,changed clothes and came out again hahas
met dear at 531 around 0120pm.hahas
went 2 lot1 walked lots of rounds hahas
then watch "painted skin" at 3pm
tat show quiet nice and touch. hahas
dear watched till cryT.T
hahas she is so....... hahas anyway always love u ^^
but we waste 1/3 de popcorn and 1/2 de drink lor. hahas
don 4get next time take photos 2gether hor.
went hm at 6pm+ felt very very very tired.
slp slp till 9pm+ hahas sms dear and now postin here
hahaz gtg, tml still got sch hahas.
BYE. gd nitx..

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


YoYO.. ^^ blog here.hahas
woke up quiet late oso, and it was raining.
lucky the back closed late. sp tat i was not late 4 sch. hahas
lesson was bored, slp all the way 2 recess,
left sch at 1140am. hahas coz got HMT exam.
went hm awhile and met xiaweiyi
thn went 2 commweath sec 2gether 2 have exam.
paper 2 damn hard lor... and i think i will fail my compo oso
coz i write wrong topic.hahas
went home around 630pm+ and ate wif her, ltr dear came find us,
hahas got met a lots ppl during our dinner time
went 2 basketball court awhile.
ans went hm at 9 oclock.

nothing happened, sch time was lyk usual.
but recess time was very funny.
we plyed till so carzy at gym hahas
wet hm at 1pm+ and slp till 8pm+ juz lyk a pig^^ hahas
met dear and lixia at bubble tea shop aroud 9pm
thn went 2 playground chat chat and met pf,mf,jun,tao...
ply bball awhile. went hme at11pm+
now plyin com. hahas got 2 go BYE

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


today is a such a boring day!!!!!!!
it was raining in the morning. and i became 落汤鸡, when i reached sch.
slping durin 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th period,
and tok 2 frens durin last 4 period. sianZzz
after sch went hm, watch tv
met mf,pf,gx,gj at 0345pm,
ply bball till night. sianZzz
dear all my teammates:
don gif up so early, we should work together.
bros always bros, no matter whd happened we should not abandon each other.
whd else next time met thn say.
went hm around 9pm+
sianZzz ply NBA life awhile and now posting.
nothing much wan 2 say.
oh ya thx 4 andy's support^^
i have noe whd 2 do next liao, hahas don worry abt mi..
gtg. nitx....


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


nothing 2 do at home, sianZzz
suddenly wan post, donno y.
today is such a unhappy day.
-ahtao break wif her stead
-lost money
-ganna catch 2 detention by Mr. teo
-slippers broken
woke up very early today, around 6am+ thn went 2 sch study Geo.
the exam is damn hard lor, think i will fail.
recess ply wif jj,zy,zj,gj,jy in the gym.
hahas the game is very hot.. cn not take it liao hahas
slp durin class, walk around.... no mood 2 study
after sch went 2 canteen 4 waitin ppl. thn Zzzz...
went home wif mf,pf,gj,gx....
SRY sry today i promise i will come down deh. but donno y i fall slp liao.
SO sry sry....
at night met andy,pf,mf,jun..... ply bball awhile
went home at 9pm+
at last i wan 2 thx mf and andy, i oso don wan 2 repeat whd mf did last time.
i will continuous.....
i don wan regreat oso. but got little confuse abt whd should i do now.
hey, mf, u better delete tat photo hor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahas goin 2 bath nw. bye bye

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3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hi, back 2 here again. SianZzz... juz have a short post.
juz quarrel wif my mum. hahas nut now ok liao#.#
woke up quiet late, and lucky nvr be late 4 sch.
today got English paper1, hahas
i think i cn pass hahas,
last lesson is DNT, quiet fun but i felt sad when the lesson is over.T.T
went back hm alone at 0230.
slp awhile and watch 篮球火 part 9. hahas
met jun,mf,mf,gj at 630pm+,
chat chat awhile thn went combak stadium 2 watch bball match.hahas
AizZZ, combak lost 2 jr centre, 52:78
hope they will win next time^^
gtg, BB and don miss me hor. hahas

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3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


HelloO. back 2 here again.
SianZzz.. tml EOY exam is goin 2 start liao. its time 2 study.hahas
tml is English paper1 donno can pass anot@@

almost 4get whd did i do liao, hahas.
Er...m woke up around 11am, plyin com.
went 2 531 at 2pm+, the training cancel liao. we ply match till very shuang.
hahas in the end my left leg cramp again.hahas juz lyk last week.hahas
at night, went hm at 10pm+ chat chat wif PIG,
oh ya, tat PIG get promoted liao. hahas now is my nv'er. hahas
hahas nv'er muz be guai guai ar.
btw today is her sister de birthday.
hahas, and nv'er don be sad find out whd u think in ur mind 1st thn decided accept him anot ltr.
slp at 3am+ hahas

woke up by a msg from my dear around 11am+. hahas
thn we tok abt sth very lame. hahas
laugh untill cn not stop while msgin her^^hahas
met pf&wm at2pm+.
we go 371 ate our lunch and went 2 531 chat chat, plyin chess wif pf oso.hahas
at night chat chat wif my 情妇 weiting, hahas
sry 4 today make ur arm injured. psps
hope ahtao cn change his character,and don be lyk tat treat ur stead. she is a quiet dg gal, muz treasure her hor.
went hm around 10pm+, hahas now plyin com and msgin my dear, hahas lobbx u>.<
hahas it is goin 2 end here, hahas post next time.
Bye and gd nitx*_*

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


yo, back here wif gd mode.
hahas today went 2 sch very early,
around 0710am. slp while sms my dear whole day.
during recess she gave a a ice cream,
but cn not eat deT.Thahas
thank you.
gery,pf,mf keep disiao me out of my class and dear's todae.
but anyway still have 2 thanks your 祝福.
will last long de^^
after sch nvr went 2 HMT lesson, slp at hm till 6pm+
went down 2 ply bball awhile wif brothers
went hm arount 8pm+
studyin few mins and chat wif tat PIG.
hahas PIG don think 2 much lah. try 2 accept him bah.
maybe u will get ur happiness lyk me hahas. okey.
jiayous PIG. hahas
Er....m stop here 1st.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


today woke up at 0650am,
it was quiet late, but lucky i nvr late hahas
today's lesson were quiet sianZzz
usin hp all the way untill sch over.hahas
after sch went hm awhile and went b 2 sch again. becoz of SS tuition.
the tuition was untill 330pm and went hm wif my dear.
after sent her hm went 2 met mf,pf,ahjun,gx they all,and ply basketball.
i was injured twice durin plyin, so sui~~
went hm around 0730pm+, bath, eat dinner thn come down again.
but they all left hahas
walked around wif my dear, chat chat till 10oclock.
sent her b hm, and went hm myself.
aiZzz... wonder whd will happen tml, gd luck bah.
stop here, gd nitx^^


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hahas post here as usual.
went 2 sch at 072oam+, almost going 2 be late. hahas
smsin her while havin lesson.
and finally my fone was taken by teacher again!!
damn angry lor....T.T
went 2 HMT lesson wif wiwi and anna very early.
coz todae got test, muz go thr 2 study.
today de test so hard, even time oso not enough.
but thn lucky i got finished all in last min. hahas
went 2 531 around 0530pm+ hahas,
thn went hm awhile and went out again 2 met my dear.
hahas we chat chat till near 11pm and i sent her hm.
feel very 舍不得. hahas
gtg, love u 4ever.

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3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


today nvr went 2 sch.
aiZz coz yesterday watch hot shot till 3am+ thn morning cn not woke up.
hahas tat show is damn funny. hahas'
slp at hm till 3pm+. thn went down by a call from ahjun.
yeah, finally u came back. hahas
earn a lot of money hor. don waste them.
met pf.ben.gx,ahliang,jun at 531 around 4pm+
hahas ply volleyball wif sk.wi, and donno hu la deh.
hahas my hand damn pain lor.
after that ply basketball as usual.
juz wanna say don fright 2 each other.
1 thing muz remb, we r a team.
went hm around 8pm+
thn read <红楼梦>. damn boring. but still have 2 read.coz tml got test abt tat bk.
lucky got u pei me 2 make me awake. hahas
now ply com^^
goin 2 end here, gd nitx .

10/09/08 is such a important day 4 me. i love my blog. hahas
15/09/08 is a new page 4 us. hope whatever we write on it is happiness.
??/??/?? is the time we stay 2gether?


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hahas, im back here lei.
went down met mf,pf,guanjie,ben around 3pm.
plyed basketball wif them till 6pm+.
the match was so funny. hahas but got sth not happy happened.
hahas i lyk it alot.^^
thn it was rainin so we ply poke cards and chat chat.
went back hm at 8 oclock,
watching tv ply computer games.
aiZzz tml still got sch. don wan 2 goOO..
ok stop here. Bye


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


damn tired!!!!!!!! woke up juz now.
hahas i donno my leg is still belong 2 me anot?
SianZzz today is 中秋节. wish every1 happy 中秋节.
goin out now. post ltr. bye


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3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


back here again.
today damn tired lei.
morning ran from my hm 2 jr east alone, thn went back hm slp awhile until andy call me go down.
met pf,andy,mf,ben.... around 0145pm 4 training
today's trainin is so CAKE. do a lot of things.. hahas but today i found out i improve in dumping.
hahas so good
trainin till 6pm+ thn ply full court match. we did quiet well today but really very tired..
finally my left leg... cramp at 8pm+ rest and ply poke cards wif frens...
around 11pm went hm. now plyin com in mt sweat hm.
hahas going 2 stop here since now is very late already.


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


short post 4 todae.@@
went 2 sch in the morning, slping in the classroon during the whole morning. hahas Mr.chain very guailan. delate our lesson until 0100pm+ FFFFF.
went home watching <命中注定我爱你> hahas jiayous jichunxi***
guangjie call me down 2 ply bball. u tot him tat i will be thr at around 0330pm, but i fall slp liao. sorry guangjie SRY SRY.
hahas woke at 6pm+ thn went down met pf they all. ply till very stress lei.. aiZzz ganna scolded.
SianZzz. ply poke cards till 1150pm, hahas thn now plyin computer.
pk gtg coz tmr morning nid 2 wake early. hahas going 2 run wif pf and weijian.

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3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Recently my life is still so boring.
ply basketball everyday,
hahas it is great that i have learnt a new skill,
hahas damn happy^-^
tml it is goin 2 have DNT test, fail 4 sure.
hahas but nvm lah it is not the 1st time.
ohya. now must thank Lixia 4 helping paintin my box,
hahas even though i havn seen it.
after sch met Ben,pf,mf,ahliang...
we plyed 5 VS 5, ply untill very dulan.
very rough. aiZzz...
at night oso got ply. now very tired liao>.<
gtg. very slply

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3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Helloo!!!!! yohoooo,
going 2 have a short post..
im watchin <命中注定我爱你>,
quiet touch, i don lyk mingzhong de anna(hahas ),
so 卑鄙. act
kelian onli,Zzz.. hahas
SianZzz.. life is so boring,
donno y i suddenly miss her liao,
donno she still got miss me mah? even i little bit.
did u? i told myself so many times 2 4get her,
but i CAN NOT. no1
cn help me, no1...
sch was reopened yesterday, as usual,
slp at class.
aizZ.. sch time was so boring,
cn i rather pon sch everyday,
hahas but i CAN NOT oso juz lyk i can not 4get her.
today i was
onli late 4 HMT 4 30mins,
thn weewee said that:"哇!奇迹啊"
... donno should say wat liao
hahas but got disiao tat PIG till very shuang!!
anyway still have 2
thx her 4 helpin me change blog skin.
hahas tytyU-U
OK OK, stop here bahx gtg. BYE

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hahas post again.
SianZzz.... at 1st muz thank tat PIG.
everytim help me edit my blog.
early morning met andy, then went 2 bishan thr shop shop.
hahas both of us bought a pair new shoe.
hahas very nice deh. came back combak around 2pm+,
follow by basketball training. got 3 new plyer join us,
hahas damn tired lor, but we ply till very SHUANG!! hahas
nothing happened lor. hahas ply bball chat wif my frens.
Er...m at night got cut hair, but i don lyk it lei,
next time should change shop lor.
FORGET whd happened?
hahas oh ya, went 2 donno whr lah, wif andy and mf,
shop shop, i spent $60+ lah. ooo my wallet so light now^^
hahas stop writing here.
bye hahas thank you 4 helpin me again.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hellO here to post again!!
since now is bout 2am liao...
cuz gt a PIG keeps on naggin..
went 2 blk531 to met fren around 3pm+
hahaaaas thn play bball till night
hahaaas DAMN HAAPI de lor
me, mf, Andy vs ahtao & another 2 guys..
during 1st match we won 11:1
hahaaas thn ahtao nt happi
so we rematch vs pf, preo, ahtao
at 1st lost by 0:6. but thn
final score 11:6!!
WE WON!! hahaahaaaas SUPER HAPPI.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3