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its post time now. hahas
went 2 airport dis morning. abt 5am+
my mom left me todae...
went home near 8am bah..
thn slp liao. hahas, till 5pm jiu woke up liao....
woke up noticed onli got myself.
suddenly felt so lonely.
hahas but nvm lah. anyway i will be happy deh.
recently went 2 alot place and did a lot things. hahas
gain alot EXP hahas.
finally understand whd my nu'er say.
if u lose sth and u will gain sth oso...

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


today its a very busy day 2 me..
did alot of things.
but im not in gd mood 2 tok abt it.
donno y lor. recently got alot de strange deh feelin
maybe bcoz of my mum is leaving soon.
maybe not oso......
my leg cramp AGAIN~~
so tired now.
some more i onli slpped 4 hours durin dis 2 day.
btw now i feel very 轻松 lei.
i think my problem will be solved deh.
ok stop here bah.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hey its blog time.
its rainnin outside. maybe heaven is cryin 4 me
recently 领悟了许多感触...
human is always like.......
my mum goin b liao. and won come b so soon.
goin 2 be alone at homeT.T
muz cook myself,wash clothes myself~~~
a lot of ppl wan it. but trust me. dis word is not u really wan.
when u get it. u will regret.
sianZzz hope my life cn be changed by some1.
hahas anyway i juz tok some rubbish.
ok, stop here. no mood 2 post liao. BB tc

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


long time nvr no blog liao. why?
really feel sad~~
a lot of things happen. why?
i feel weak now, helpless,hopeless.
i don like dis, why?
i don wish dis,
i don............ why?
hope some1 cn lend me a shoulder.
i wanna cry nw. why?
im very tired. really really tired. why?
i didn expect dis thing happened.
i donno whd 2 do now. i donno... why?
why? why? why?
we r not important any more. why?
should i turst u?
NO. why?
which side should i stand?
i donno,i donno. why?
i feel lyk cn not breath..

er.............m don care whd i say today. i juz 发泄 myself.
wu..... bye.


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hi. my mum came back today....
i was lyk so surprised. coz i tot she won come b so early
she was very happy abt tat trip.
she brought lots of food. and took lots of photos..
so nice,hehes.....
she went 2 云南 4 2days oso...
i so.....
hahas i yesterday nvr slp.
today around 10am i go slpped thn around 2 pm+
i was woke up by andy's call..
i found 3 miss call,and 2 new messages..
and i nvr put silent mood hahas
went down 2 ply bball.
saw ahliang,mf,ryanheng
but its rainin after i while..
so didn ply 2 much hahas....
at night, they went 2 watch movie.
bt donno y i don feel lyk goin.
so stayed at home..
thinkin lots of things. and in the end i started 2 confuse...
i donno whd am i thing...
i donno whd is the ans i expect...
anyway end here 1st. very slply.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


yeah post post post....hahas
today is boring day oso.
er...m woke up at 3pm_ again.
thn i was very hungry by the time i woke up.
aiZzz.... my mum didn at hm, so i muz go down 2 buy food myself.
and saw wh.hd,kenny,jw,zy down stair...
they asked me 2 join them.
hahas so we slack 2gether lor.... ^^
and plyed blk catchin smore....
i was catcher 1st turn.... hahas
hahas so fun.....
at night plyed com,watched tv, same as yesterday.
oh,ya my nu'er called me at midnight.
thinking sth wrong wif her lei hahas jkjk.
but i nvr put silent mood
i was shock.... hahas
ok stop here. gonna finish here.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hehes don feel lyk post todae lei.
coz todae really very sianZzz.
nth 2 do. nth cn not do...
my back still very pain. but much better than yesterday.
hahas wish u happy always
and stay happy always^^
aizZz... today woke up at 3pm+ hahas
called by jh&ly,
asked me 2 ply bball. but i didn. bcoz of sunburn....
slped slped, plyed com plyed com,watched tv again.
tats all i did todae...
btw my nu'er came b tonight.
didn expect so fast. hahas
so sianZzz...
ok end here bah bye@@

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hey yo hi hello lol.......
im so bored.
my back SO pain. yesterday even could not lie down lor.
woke up many time durin i was slpin....
pain pain its SO PAIN~~
hate sunburn. its is my 1st time tio sunburn.
so 难受....
3am+ slped yesterday day.
and 9am+ i was woken up by a call from kokhao.
he asked me 2 ply bball.
i was lyk very tired lor. smore very pain oso.
so didn go down 2 ply hahas.
woke up at 2pm+(SO LATE hahas)
got 2 miss call and a sms from my nu'er.
was a little surprised.
she goin b 2 Malaysia liao bcoz of.....(some cases lah)
hahas wish her yilushunfeng lor...
hahas.come b early and cheer up oso. hahas
todae didn went out.
stayed at hm, plyed com,watched tv
its still bcos of tat sunburn.
could not wear clothes sia.T.T~~
er.....m i think i goin 2 stop here liao hahas.
feel a liitle bit lazy^^
bye tctc. X_X

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


yo yo post time^^ hahas
today gonna have a long post. coz lots of things happened.
hahas so goin 2 start now
today woke up at 9am(奇迹啊).
set alarm clock. but still scare i cn no wake up. but lucky i did.hehes
met andy at 371 4 breakfast. but he didn eat hahas after eatin,
thn lx came 2 pass andy swimming glasses
thn went 2 jroung east hahas
SWIMMIN time!!
its lyk super funny lor. and super pasei oso
coz......hahas shy.....
really long time nvr swim liao.
swim awhile thn jiu felt very tired..
hahas so we didn swim alot.we juz plyed water and chatted chatted.
we frighted inside swimmin pool oso. hahas
er....m i lost my spcs twice. becoz we treated it as waterball hahas
i found it once. but cnt find it second time.
i lost it.
hahas but nvm lah. managed 2 change a new 1 long time ago.
everything is the same....
plyed around 2pm+thn we came out from swimmin pool.
after came out from swimmin pool
released body felt very pain~~T.T
donno why oso.
went 2 market ate our lunch.felt a little sick juz after finished swimming...
went home,took a shower,changed clothes
thn came out again.
we went 2 jr 2 met my nu'er and her frens oso.
at 1st i muz say sry 2 them. coz we late abt 15mins
thn sth happened.(don wan 2 say)
so i very dulan liao(i oso nvr say met wif u. u not happy cn go 1st wat)
saw such a useless gal and useless stead.
(maybe i don have rite 2 say so lah.coz my own self oso are)
hahas the 1st sentence my nu'er say 2 me is"yo laopa 为什么你的脸这样红"
so i noe i tio sun burn liao.
hahas the we went 2 quessway thr shop shop. hahas
they and ankle(should be spell wrong bah) point buy gift 4 bell.
went 2 tat shop again.AGAIN
lots of feelin came out when i saw XXX
anyway brought a small things 4 bell and sent all gals the gals go home.hahas
and me and andy went b 2 quessway shoppin centre again,AGAIN.
after thinkin 3 HOURS+++++
finally we decided 2 buy the things we lyk.
i bought 1 new spcs and a shirt oso
andy bought a new jeans.hahas
went home around 9pm.
today total spent $160
wah alot lei~~~
my wallet 减肥成功T.T
now plyin com.
my back damn pain. all red colour deh.
ganna end here.


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


HEY HEY. post here again.
my tagbox is goin 2 die liao. hahas no taggggggggg......
sian lei~~ hahas
today, my mum went 2 malaysia 4 1 week
YEAH~~ so happy. i will be free e 7 days.hahas
lol. woke up at 1pm+
and started 2 ply com games.
er...m recently i crazy abt star craft=) AGAIN/
lyk went back 小时候.
i was plyin it since 1998 hahas.
around 3pm+ went 2 mrt station met andy his classmate.hahas
he is quiet nice ppl. a joker oso hahas
we planed 2 go swim deh
but at last went 2 northpoint together. hahas
walked walked and looked around.
i found 1 shirt which i lyk very much!!!!
bt i didn buy it. coz so EX, cost $50 lei.
at last i decided 2 buy a short.
oso very nice. bt in the end don have my sizeT.T
andy bought a swimming short(but i don think it cn be used 2 swim)
thn went 2 food court ate our dinner.
it was rainnin so heavy outside and thunder somemore
hahas we were eatin in scary.hahas so 刺激 hahas
after tat jiu went home liao hahas
haiZzZ thinkin of sth on the train.happy?sad?worth aont? hahas
hahas gtg liao bye


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


1st thing 2 say:( happy birthday 2 traris,laugh laugh more and more) hahas and sry 4 say late hahas
hahas recently i was bored bored~~ some1 pls help me
er...m nth 2 do,
plyed bball,watched tv,plyed com games......
blah blah blah~~hahas
slped till 1pm+ hahas watch hot shot part 16
it ended liao. so sad, love it so much~~~
hahas abt 6pm bah. thn went down 2 ply bball wif andy hahas
went home around 9pm.
tats all 4 today.
went 2 west mall slack wif my frens
chatted alot alot...
ply alot alot oso.
but donno y, i cn not feel happy at all.
hahas rest all 4got liao
Oct 10th
hahas met jh,wq 2 ply bball at night.
i was onli plyin 1 match 4 3 hours plyin timeT.T
coz they so BT. look at them oso will feel scary
i was sittin thr and chattin wif frens onli. hahas
went home around 10pm+
chatted wif nu'er till midnight.
hahas so 期待 whds goin on on Dec..
COZ..... hahas
so should i end here?
ya ya should be bah.
bye bye. tc every1

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hihi. gonna 2 have a short post. didn do anything,
nvr went out oso. hahas
today woke up near 12oclock.
hahas thn plyed com awhile. hahas
and felled slp at 3pm+ again
yesterday 2 tired liao........ plyed 2 hard and 2 much~~
today my body felt very painful...
even walk oso feel the pain.....
woke up at 8pm+
er......m watched tv, rest at home hehes
tok 2 nu'er on fone a night. abt 2 hours+ bah hahas and
DON BE EMO ok.. be happier and smile more^^
everything gonna be ok deh.
wish ur hand cn recover soon.
should i end here?
ya think so. no more mood 2 post lei
suddenly thinkin of sth, haiZzZz but noe tat is impossible.
its won happened again. won--


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


HAPPY birthday 2 mouse(sujun).Muz stay happy always Wish all your wishes come ture.
hihi post post post time.^^
woke around 2pm+ AGAIN~~
watched some shows wif my mum
i was called by andy hahas
met him at 0330pm, den we dicided 2 go gym
wah so tired~~ around 5pm+ we went 2 371 ate our dinner.
hahas thn went 2 305 ply bball
damn SHUANG!!!!!!!!!!! saw lot of ppl.
plyed till lights off. haha
1opm jiu went home liao.
happy-ing hav nvr have dis feelin b4.
hahas got 2 go liao. byebye so tired..


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


hihi..... back here 2 post liao.
today woke up 8am+, hahas so early^^
decided 2 went down running.
hahas went home around 10am. slped again.....
abt near 4pm den woke up again hahas
went down ate lunch(should i call it dinner) wif my mum.
hahas at night i was called by andy 2 ask me go down ply bball.hahas
met him around abt 7pm+
at 1st onli got 4 ppl lei. thn ltr alot pll came.
plyed till 9pm+ won lots games oso.
chatted wif andy,lx,py awhile.
then went home liao hahas
tml maybe goin gym hahas@@@@@


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


post post. its post time. hahas
todae woke up at 3PM+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its unbelievable. but its ture. haizZz... 1 step closer 1 pig liao..
i felt very tired. i oso donno why.
and its rainin outside in the afternoon.
so nvr went 2 gym. and rest at home. hahas
watched show wif my mum^^
at night. tok 2 my father on fone.
its a LONG LONG conversation. abt 1 and half hours.
we tok lots things.
i noe lots things oso. and i really thx everything he did 4 me.
at end of conversation. i felt wet wet deh on my face.
i released i was cryin.....
ok last things i wan 2 say its......
wish my dear nu'er,wiwi,anna,xwy and every1 who takin GCE O level chinese tml gd luck.
score well in paper 2. hahas
bye. gonna 2 slp liao.


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


boring. boring. BORING!!!!!!!!!! any1 cn help me??
aizZz.... nth 2 do sia. im so sian...hahaS
toade woke up near 12 oclock liao. hahas SO LATE...
coz yesterday 4am thn slp.
er....m lie on the bed till wh&kenny jio me go out.
at 1st i don wan 2 go deh.. but mum kept naggin beside me.
i couldn take it anymore. so decided 2 go out hahas.
met zy,wh,kenny at bukit batok mrt station at3pm+
they was late more than half hourT.T
so next time i should make them wait 4 me oso. hehes.....
went down 2 bugis again,
walked walked. chatted chatted, plyed lan 4 2 hours...
hahas went home near 8pm.
watched tv and <无敌姗宝妹> part 11.
it was super funny lor. u guys should watched it oso.
tml wanna go gym. wondering got ppl pei me anot, hahas
anyway goin 2 slp now liao. bye bye.


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3