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wow~~~ this week is freaking stress. done total of 3 lab test and 1 presentation.
hais... didn perform well in one of the lab, think will onli score 70+  in DCS lab test and the rest i think ok bah.
moreover today's presentation is fun. hahas the teacher shoot almost every other group, however she seems abit speachless when we finished present. lol i laugh out sia. so bad=P lol.
this week i didn be a very good boy in school also.skipping most of the class of this week. lol
anw, Finlay our class is getting more fun. Big 2 and monopoly cards are very popular whenever there is a free time. lol it is very fun to play with all the classmates. hahas
Next week will be even more stressful. i will be have 4 paper in 1 week time. so maybe i will be only continous post after MST exam. need to study and fulfill my aim. hahas
ok ends here first.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Wahhhhhh~~~ im backkk. really really back.
its really like years that i nvr post liao. yesterday i accidentally opened my blog and saw alot lot interesting post from past. I recorded many memorable memories. hahas therefore i decided to start writing blog again, as personal daily.
firstly today the lab twst i get 94 marks. hahas damn happy:) and after sch went to watch with zh at jp. lol the movie is as good as i thought. :( hahas anw i have a very fun talking time with her:) hahas but i was wondering what if hmmmm........ nvm.  
secondly, i wan to write down all my last year classmates since i nvr mention about them b4, i really want to remember them and the awesome class also.

Alvin yeo: the second youngest in our class. he is cute and good-looking. hahas always ganna disturb by classmates :) and we are same class now. i still have 1 or 2 more year to disturb him. HAHAHA. He is 1 of our LOL gangster.

Alvin tan: another alvin in class which is very very very good boy. he is pro in maths and get full attendance for every class. we were close and oftenly talk in skype and go out together. he has problems of handling girls but always has many girls around him and confuse them such as jj. he is another LOL gangster.

Junda: MOST HANDSOME GUY IN THE WORLD and best swimming style. lol he is being very smart in life. hahas and mature in class. however he is a troller in class. i am always ganna bullied by him sia. he is same class as me this year. hais~~~~ NO.3 LOL gangster.

junrong: hahas he is very easy going person. very hardly to get angry with people. he is a game freak and good at all the games:) he is our best class leader we love him. he is my chess mate and NO.4 LOL gangster:)

jeremy toh: the most fat guy in class LOL hahas. he is always late or absent for all the lessons. hahas
still remember to have night cycle section and ton at his house play is so fun. hahas love his dog Micky, cute and friendly hahas. NO.5 LOL gangster.

jeremy lian: The PEEE god, score 100 marks for peee exam more than once, gay sia. LOL love his gf lot. hahas very shy boy and like to repeat ppl's words again. NO.6 LOL gangster.

Darren: lol old boy in class(older then me!!!) LOL hahas like to gay with alvin tan and alvin yeo. LOL 2nd class leader. cool. hahas and my this year classmates also. NO.7 LOL gangster.

alex: the big big big bro in class. we respect him so much. hahas very fun and good person. just always pon lessons as well. anw i love the chicken wings that u cook for us at our class chalet. lol
NO.8 LOL gangster.

Cherlyn: hahas a very cute girl, i treat her like younger sister. hahsa very fun to disturb and i have no more chance to disturb him in future liao. she become alivn yeo's gf. lol hahaha anw, she is very hard working hard and a very big korea fan.

Huijia: take her own words seriously, keep her own promise. she is being very violent to ppl and speak vulgarity alot. LOL hero jejuani. LOL

Ivan: lol the joker in class. no matter how u disturb him and he won angry one. LOL hahs very useless in doing IE  project. make me suffer alot:(

Nasi & Alfi: very pro in shooting games. lol hahas and smart in study.

kai: fit boy in class, always dress up nicely on Wednesday for gened lesson. LOL

Ryan,swarlin and Kuhn---------- doom 3 yeahhhh~~~~



3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3