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Wooo.. its really been  a long time from last time i post. hahas about half a year.
come here to update my blog. i just don feel like waste it. so that when i get old i still can find my childhood here. hahas so i shall keep it update whenever im free.
Hmmm firstly talk about my school life.
year 2 life is not as fun as year 1. class is not so bond and separate in groups. there are also some people are very moody and sometimes just donno what they think about. it makes me stay far apart from them. hais so im only quite close with my group which all from last year class. its really a kind of sadness sia. anw the school work goes more difficult, it maybe becoz i didn work as hard as b4. hahas but for this year, our teachers are very good and kind. they are nice to talk to:) so im going to work harder from now on.
now talk about my daily life.
my life is really boring life. for now is holiday, i really don have much thing to do but stay at home with my laptop whole day. hahas i wan to go gym.... but somehow it is difficult to wake up in morning. LOL and donno y recently i lost my way in my life. sometimes i donno what to do or sometimes i donno what i do is right or wrong. i even thought my current life is meaningless. especially i saw 2 of my last time fren married. one is Shermaine which......hais i don say here bah. another 1 is junjie. i really feel happy to them. junjie's marry video even post on youtube. its really kind of loving. hahas wish them last a life time.
oh yyaaaa!! 2 days ago i dream. it is really very strange coz i don dream at night for year. and then dream is so clear that i get sick, a very serious 1. then i was in operation room. doctors is cutting my stomach LOL... and they me to inform some1 come. and yet i have no1 really can tell. AIYA!!! i cant rmb very rmb very clearly. but i feel so scare and lonely till i wake up. i have really nvr have this kind of feeling b4.
moreover, i find someone it is really nice to talk to. hahas  hope i got more chance to talk to her:)
hahas its quite late. i will post again soon. night

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


yo so fast im posting again!! wahhhahahas today alot interesting things happen sia.
today woke up near 10+ very early sia. then i slack awhile
i found 3 miss call and few messages lol i noe that i slck too much and gonna late. hahas
meet cherlyn,jd and jr at clementi then meet toh and yeo at kalang.
hahas went to katong shopping mall eat and KTV!!!!
and we are really damn high sia and we do all the stupid stuff inside the room.
hahas but it is really fun,
love all of them,
after 5 HOURS of KTV we went find place eat.
it took a lont time to find sia. a steamboat shop.
and all the food are really nice. hahas
the shop treat us very nice sia.
let us use the whole 2nd floor for us. on air-con and fans.
provide very nice service to us. hahas and the shop is not very ex also
the food also very nice hahas.
we ate till damn full and even play card games there.
trying to finish off all the food left. hahas anw we really find a good buffet place sia, hahas
shall go there eat again. bye then~~

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


finally come here to update my blog again. hahas was quite unhappy last few days . hais.
yesterday just complete my SIP reflection. i feel so pound of myself. it is because the teacher give us de question all damn difficult one. i really spend hours to write it sia. hahas mow happy happy.
btw i just realise i still have a Maths online quiz need to do b4 holiday ends SHIT!! LOL hahas
And today, very tiring day.
went ECP with zh, to teach her skating. hahahas it is so much stress at beginning to ensure her safty. and donno why i even......... hais nvm. hahas anw i was really sacre that she fall. LOL hahas but things go smooth after awhile. hahas and later got 2 cute boys very brave and CUTE. keep falling and standing up while they skating. COOL~~~ and i think 1 of the boy like me and zh alot. he like to follow us. and seriously i donno what to say when he get near to me sia. i scare? LOL hahas
LAST part is the most funny things. we rest at 1 Conner and play diamondash and try to beat some one's score. hahas u noe SOME1 LOL. hahas so fun and we finally made it^^
home and sweet home around 8+.
hahas night night.



3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


WOW finally after MST!!!! YEAHHH now comes to my 3 week holiday. hahas its a short break for me. hahas im here to post since im FREE now!!!
hmm about my exam, i think is quite ok bah. at least i tried my best . lol but the paper is really quite hard. so lets prey for my result to be good. LOL
Today, Monday, CIP day for my class. hahas woke up at 730am!!!! wow i did it, lol then meet jd at clementi mrt station. chicken he LATE!!! lol then went all the way to east coast park there de kitchen garden. almost 10 ppl late for it. we reach there 10+ instead of 930. hahas then start raining liao. we cannot continuous with our work but only can sit down chat awhile and play cards as well.
Finally the rain stop, uncle tan help and guide us walk around the whole garden. he intro to us about many plants. its was very funny, almost every thing can eat there. hahas i also ate some glasses. hahas it was fub. lol
around 12 we leave our kitchen garden and process to our lunch. then walk around the shopping centre and the most fun part----- play arcade. hahas around 2+ we went to watch movie. MIB3. hahas the story line is quite mind fuck sia. but i like it, LOL
fun and tiring day. shall end here and go rest. bye

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


wow~~~ this week is freaking stress. done total of 3 lab test and 1 presentation.
hais... didn perform well in one of the lab, think will onli score 70+  in DCS lab test and the rest i think ok bah.
moreover today's presentation is fun. hahas the teacher shoot almost every other group, however she seems abit speachless when we finished present. lol i laugh out sia. so bad=P lol.
this week i didn be a very good boy in school also.skipping most of the class of this week. lol
anw, Finlay our class is getting more fun. Big 2 and monopoly cards are very popular whenever there is a free time. lol it is very fun to play with all the classmates. hahas
Next week will be even more stressful. i will be have 4 paper in 1 week time. so maybe i will be only continous post after MST exam. need to study and fulfill my aim. hahas
ok ends here first.

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3